Other Words for Tie

Tie Adjective Synonyms
bind, truss (up), tie up, lash, pinion, restrict, confine, restrain, limit, tie down, curtail, curb, cramp, hamper, hinder
His hands are tied behind his back. According to the terms of the agreement, my hands are tied and I can do nothing.

connect, associate, unite, join, link, bind (up), affiliate, ally, league, team (up)
Our business interests are tied to those of the major banks.

bind, fasten, make fast, tie up, lash, secure, truss, attach, tether, rope, chain, moor, connect, join, knot, link, couple, splice, unite
He keeps a vicious dog tied to a stake in his garden. Tie the ends of the rope together.

Tie Verb Synonyms
equal, even, be equal or even (with), match, be neck and neck (with)
We tied them for first place. Yesterday, we were tied for second.

equality, dead heat, deadlock, draw, stalemate
When there is a tie, the game ought to go into 'sudden death' overtime.

railway tie, sleeper
Ties in Europe are now made of concrete.

cravat, necktie
Please put on a tie for dinner.

link, fastening, bond, band, connection, tie-up, relationship, affiliation, liaison, involvement, entanglement
Isn't there some tie between those two companies.

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