Other Words for Equal

Equal Adjective Synonyms
match, meet, even, correspond (to), square (with), tally (with), tie (with), parallel, come up to, rival
He will never be able to equal the world record.

peer, colleague, fellow, brother, mate, counterpart, equivalent, alter ego, compeer
Constance is certainly anyone's equal in intelligence.

identical, the same (as), interchangeable, one and the same, coequal, selfsame, like, alike, tantamount, similar (to), equivalent, commensurate
This year's sales figures are equal to last year's.

uniform, regular, corresponding, correspondent, congruent, congruous, (evenly) balanced, (evenly) matched, matching, equivalent, even, commensurate, comparable, proportionate, (evenly) proportioned, harmonious, symmetrical, fifty-fifty, level
Women are entitled to equal employment opportunities. The scores are equal.

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More Words for Equal

Peer / Meet / Level / Mate / Even / Match / Parallel

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): A policy statement that equal consideration for a job is applicable to all individuals and that the employer does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, age, marital status, national origin, MORE

Equal Temperament

Entertainment / Music / Equal Temperament: Tuning system based on the division of the octave into twelve equal half steps: the normal system used today. MORE


Business / Real Estate / Equalization: In some jurisdictions, when it is necessary to correct inequalities in state wide tax assessments, an equalization factor is used to achieve uniformity. An equalization factor may be applied to raise MORE


Business / Real Estate / Prequalify: Determine the maximum loan amount a prospective buyer qualifies for prior to showing them properties. Failing to prequalify may result in wasted efforts showing the prospect properties they cannot aff MORE

Equalizer (EQ)

Technology / Home Audio / Equalizer (EQ): A class of electronic filter circuits designed to augment or adjust electronic or acoustic systems. Equalizers can be fixed or adjustable, active or passive. Most consumer audio equallizers divide the MORE

Tape Equalization

Technology / Home Audio / Tape Equalization: In tape decks, the best equalization response must be selected according to the type of tape ?€” normal, chrome, or high-bias. In many decks, automatic sensors perform this function, in others, a MORE