Retirement Communities

Business / Real Estate / Retirement Communities: Many of them in temperate climates, are often structured as PUDs. They may provide shopping, recreational opportunities and health care facilities in addition to residential units.
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Business / Finance / Retirement: Removal from circulation of stock or bonds that have been reacquired or redeemed. MORE

Retirement Communities

Business / Real Estate / Retirement Communities: Many of them in temperate climates, are often structured as PUDs. They may provide shopping, recreational opportunities and health care facilities in addition to residential units. MORE

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Business / Finance / Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP): Tax-sheltered retirement plan for Canadian citizens, much like an American IRA. MORE

Qualified Retirement Plan

Business / Taxes / Qualified Retirement Plan: A qualified retirement plan is an employer sponsored plan that meets the requirements established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the US Congress. Pensions, profit-sharing plans, money purch MORE

Phased Retirement

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Phased Retirement: A work schedule arrangement that allows employees to gradually reduce their full-time hours over a period of time. MORE

Retirement Of Long-Term Debt

Business / Finance / Retirement Of Long-Term Debt: The repayment of a non-current liability. MORE