Even Adjective Synonyms
balanced, equal, the same, identical, coequal, level, drawn, on a par, tied, neck and neck, equivalent, fifty-fifty, level pegging, even Steven
At half-time the scores were even. I have an even chance of getting the job.
even-tempered, calm, equable, composed, placid, serene, peaceful, cool, tranquil, unruffled, imperturbable, undisturbed, impassive, steady, temperate, equanimous, self-possessed, sober, staid, sedate, sober-sided
People of even disposition are unexcited, unexcitable, unexciting.
square, quits, equal
If I pay for this round, we'll be even.
fair (and square), square, impartial, disinterested, neutral, just, even-handed, equitable, straightforward, on the level, honest, upright, unbiased, unprejudiced
See that you make an even distribution of the food parcels.
still, yet, all the (more), indeed, (more) than ever
He is even dumber than I thought. He is in debt to everyone, even his daughter.
exact, precise, round, rounded off or out or up or down
The bill came to an even fifty pounds.
Even Noun Synonyms
smooth, flat, plane, level, regular, uniform, flush, straight, true
Sand the edges till they are even.
Search Google for Even:
Round / Cool / Yet / Flat / Equal / Smooth / Calm / Plane / Level / Still / Just / Straight / Square
Entertainment / Golf / Even Par: (also 'even, level, level par') anytime one's score is level with, or equivalent to, par during, or at the conclusion of, a round of golf MORE
Technology / Programming / Event Handler: An event handler is called when a certain event happens. In processing applications, the mousemoved() method is an example of an event handler. In an of application, the receivedsound() method is an e MORE
Science / Astrology / Event Chart: A horoscope drawn up according to the date, time and location of a particular happening, interpreted to gain insight into influences surrounding the event and an outlook for possible developments stem MORE
Business / Finance / Breakeven Analysis: An analysis tool that models how revenue, expenses, and profit vary with changes in sales volume. Breakeven analysis estimates the sales volume needed to cover fixed and variable expenses. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / All Events: A score based on a bowler's combined total from singles, doubles, and team events in a given tournament For example, in a tournament, you bowl 3 games each for team, singles and doubles. The total for MORE
Entertainment / Music / Seventh Chord: Four-note combination consisting of a triad with another third added on top: spans a seventh between its lowest and highest tones. MORE