Associate Adjective Synonyms
allied, affiliate, affiliated, associated, accessory
Publication is under the direction of an associate company.
subsidiary, secondary
She is an associate professor at an American university.
Associate Noun Synonyms
colleague, partner, fellow, fellow-worker
I'd like you to meet my associate, Ian Lindsay.
comrade, companion, friend, mate, buddy, confidant(e)
We have been close associates for many years.
confederate, ally, collaborator, accomplice, accessory
He and his associates have been sent to prison for conspiracy.
Associate Verb Synonyms
see, be seen with, socialize or fraternize (with), mix or mingle (with), go (out) with, consort with, have to do with, hang out with, pal with or about, pal up (with), pal around (with)
I always associate him with fast cars and hard drinking.
Search Google for Associate:
Technology / Programming / Associated Type: An associated type is a type that is used to describe the requirements of a concept, but is not actually a parameter to the concept. For instance, the reference type returned when dereferencing an inp MORE
Lifestyle / College / Associate in Applied Science (AAS): The Associate in Applied Science (AAS), or career degree, gives you technical skills for entry-level employment in the workforce. It is not designed for transfer. Although the AAS is not considered a MORE
Lifestyle / College / Associate Degree: The Associate Degree is granted upon completion of a program of at least two, but less than four years of college work. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are conferred upon students w MORE
Science / Genetics / Disease-Associated Genes: Alleles carrying particular dna sequences associated with the presence of disease. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Associate Broker: A real estate license classification used in some states to describe a person who has qualified as a real estate broker but still works for and is supervised by another broker, also called a broker-sa MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Associate Producer: Job title for someone involved in the management of a game project (either at a developer or a publisher). MORE