Take Adjective Synonyms
pick, select, choose, opt for, settle or decide or fasten on or upon
When you get to the fork, take the road to the left.
grip, seize, grasp, clasp, get, get or take hold of, grab, snatch, clutch, catch, capture, obtain, lay hold of, lay (one's) hands on, procure, acquire, gain (possession of), take possession of, secure, win, carry off, abduct, nab
The police took him into custody. He takes what he can get. When it comes to ineptitude, Sue certainly takes the prize.
Take Noun Synonyms
appropriate, arrogate, extract, carry off or away, steal, purloin, pilfer, filch, palm, rob, shoplift, pocket, remove, walk off or away with, run or make off or away with, embezzle, misappropriate, peculate, plagiarize, pirate, lift, swipe, snitch,
They took what didn't belong to them.
Take Verb Synonyms
assume, bear, undertake, adopt, arrogate, acknowledge, accept
Kevin took full responsibility for the mistake.
use, employ, make use of, establish, put in(to) place, adopt, put into effect, effect, apply, resort to, have recourse to, turn to
The police have taken measures to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
clear, get or go over or past or round or through
Browning's Delight took the last jump easily. He must have taken that corner at 90.
carry, convey, bear, transport, bring, deliver, ferry, haul, cart
Will this train take me to Aylesbury? They took the bicycle to Old Lyme in a van.
cause or make or induce or drive or persuade (someone) to go or be
What takes you to M laga in August? .
exact, extract, get
She took revenge by denying him certain privileges.
prove or be effective or efficacious or operative or functional, take effect, take hold, operate, function, work, perform, do the trick
If the transplant fails to take, the doctors will have to operate again.
believe, think, judge, deem, hold, feel, take for, assess (as), consider (as), regard (as), view (as), accept (for)
I take people to be honest till proven otherwise. She took him for a fool when they first met.
acquire, get, adopt, assume, derive, obtain, draw, receive, inherit
He has taken his bad manners from you. The film takes its title from the book.
understand, gather, interpret, perceive, apprehend, deduce, conclude, infer, judge, deem, assume, suppose, imagine, see
I take it from your expression that you've had bad news.
require, demand, need, necessitate, call for
Remember, it takes two to tango. It took him two years to complete the fresco. It takes six to sail his yawl.
express, voice, raise, put forth
I hope you will not take objection or exception to what I am about to tell you.
swallow, eat, consume, ingest, devour, gulp down, gobble up or down, wolf, bolt, drink, imbibe, quaff, inhale
Rudolf takes pills of every conceivable color. The doctor said I could take a wee nip now and then. Sonya stepped out to take a breath of fresh air.
take up, study, be involved or occupied in or with, apply oneself to, learn, read, tackle
I cannot believe that Doreen is taking home economics. He took a course in car maintenance.
convey, lead, conduct, escort, convoy, guide, accompany
This road takes you directly to the yacht club. He asked to be taken to the manager's office.
charm, captivate, capture, attract, lure, allure
There was something about him that took her fancy.
subtract, deduct, remove, take away, take from, take off
Take three from five. Five, take away two, leaves three. It's cheaper when you've taken off the discount.
reserve, book, engage, hire, rent, lease
He took a room in a small hotel, where he began to write detective fiction.
hold, contain, accommodate, accept, fit in
This storage bin cannot take anything else, it's completely full.
accept, receive, bear, withstand, stand, endure, weather, tolerate, abide, brave, go through, undergo, suffer, submit to, swallow, put up with, brook, stomach, stick
She took the news about Leon's relapse quite well. I have taken quite enough from you already.
end, terminate, annihilate, wipe out, kill
The assault on Leningrad took tens of thousands of lives. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
revenue, takings, yield, return, receipts, proceeds, gain, profit(s), gate, box office
How much was the take from the first day.
bilk, cheat, swindle, defraud, con, fiddle
When he examined his wallet he realized he'd been taken.
Search Google for Take:
Effect / Need / Rent / Get / Learn / Grip / Kill / Guide / Cart / Transport / Extract / Demand / Judge / End / Bring / Stand / Feel / Reserve / Think / Gate / Lease / Lead / Voice / Gather / Suppose / Tackle / See / Draw / Stick / Raise / Hold / Gain / Use / Work / Select / Catch / Bolt / Clear / Seize / Lure
Business / Finance / Bust-Up Takeover: A leveraged buyout in which the buyer sells off the assets of the target_company to repay the debt that financed the takeover. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Take A Knee: A low risk play in which the player in possession of the ball kneels down after receiving the snap, ending the play. Used to run out the clock. (Also called 'take a knee'.) Most commonly, the quarterb MORE
Business / Finance / Take-Out: An agreement that obligates the purchaser to take any product that is offered (and pay the cash purchase price) or pay a specified amount if the product is not taken. MORE
Business / Finance / Takeover: A cash surplus generated by the sale of one block of securities and the purchase of another, e.g., selling a block of bonds at 99 and buying another block at 95. Also, a bid made to a seller of a secu MORE
Science / Chemistry / Mistake: A mistake is a measurement which is known to be incorrect due to carelessness, accidents, or the ineptitude of the experimenter. It's important to distinguish mistakes from errors: mistakes can be avo MORE
Business / Real Estate / Standby Takeout Commitment: An agreement by an interim lender to advance funds to take out a construction lender. MORE