Other Words for Clear

unencumbered, free, net
In our first year we made a clear profit of 25 per cent.

Clear Adjective Synonyms
unclouded, cloudless, sunny, fair, sunlit, fine
On a clear day, you can see the lighthouse several miles away.

certain, sure, convinced, confident, positive, determined, definite, assured
I am not clear that the subject was a good one.

open, unencumbered, free, unblocked, unobstructed, unimpeded, direct
There is a clear view of the park from here.

pure, guileless, unsophisticated, innocent, blameless, faultless, not guilty
I still cannot look her in the eye with a clear conscience.

distinct, unclouded, unconfused, explicit, plain, definite, clear-cut, palpable
I have a clear recollection of her words.

bright, lustrous, shining, shiny, sparkling, nitid
We painted the bathroom a lovely clear blue.

perceptive, acute, sensitive, perspicacious, discerning, keen
It was only his clear vision of the situation that saved us all.

evident, plain, obvious, patent, manifest, apparent
It became clear that someone was trying to compromise her.

understandable, intelligible, perspicuous, lucid, comprehensible, apprehensible, discernible, plain, obvious, unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit, definite, unmistakable, indisputable, undisputed, unquestionable, incontrovertible
He has made himself very clear on that point.

unlimited, unqualified, unquestioned, unquestionable, absolute, complete, entire, pure, sheer, perfect
You must allow three clear days for the ascent.

pure, unwavering, well-defined, distinct, clarion, bell-like
We heard father's clear voice calling from below.

brightly, effulgently, radiantly, luminously, lambently
The stars were shining clear in the night sky.

disengaged, disentangled, unentangled, free, freed, rid, quit, loose, unencumbered, released
When the line is clear of any obstruction, hoist sail and let's be off.

distinct, sharp, well-defined, definite, legible, readable, acute, vivid
The notes were written in a large clear hand.

bright, fresh, unblemished, unscarred
She has a lovely clear complexion.

transparent, limpid, crystalline, translucent, uncloudy, unclouded, pellucid
The water was clear enough to see the bottom.

Clear Adverb Synonyms
distinctly, clearly, starkly, perceptibly, discernibly, understandably, prominently
When you see the reef, sing out loud and clear.

completely, utterly, entirely, cleanly, clean, wholly, totally
The thief got clear away in the confusion.

clarify, cleanse, clean, purify
The chemical soon cleared the water of all sediment.

Clear Verb Synonyms
leap or jump over, vault
She cleared the fence easily.

open (up), free, unblock, unclog, unstop, disencumber, dislodge
We were able to clear a path through the jungle. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

exonerate, absolve, acquit, excuse, forgive
He has been cleared of all charges and released.

disburden, unburden, purge, free, rid
He has cleared his conscience of any responsibility in the matter.

Clear the land of trees before farming it.

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More Words for Clear

Fair / Open / Pure / Sure / Fresh / Fine / Sensitive / Patent / Determined / Net / Confident / Clean / Perfect / Sharp / Free / Loose


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