Lead Adjective Synonyms
cause, influence, prompt, bring, incline, induce, persuade, move, dispose, convince
What led you to suspect the butler.
conduct, escort,her, guide, show the way, pilot, steer
If you lead, I'll follow.
Lead Noun Synonyms
protagonist, hero or heroine, leading or starring role or part, leading or lead actor or actress, leading lady or man, male or female lead, principal, prima donna, diva, prima ballerina, premiere danseuse, premier danseur
She has the lead in the new production of Giselle .
wire, cable, flex
Connect this lead to the power source.
direction, guidance, leadership, precedent, example, model, exemplar, pattern, standard
We decided to follow his lead.
tip, clue, hint, suggestion, cue, intimation, prospect, possibility, potential, tip-off
Barry is following up some leads for a new job. The advertisement produced some new sales leads.
leading, foremost, first, main, chief, principal, premier, paramount
The lead climber fell when the rope broke. The lead story in today's paper is about an American take-over bid for the longest-standingish car-manufacturing company.
leash, tether, restraint, cord, chain
The dog fetches his lead himself when he wants to go out.
Lead Verb Synonyms
front, vanguard, van, lead or leading position or place, advance or advanced position or place
The horse that he had bet on was in the lead coming down the home straight.
advantage, edge, advance, supremacy, margin, priority, primacy, pre-eminence
She has the lead over all her competitors. Our team had a two-point lead at half-time.
be conducive to, create, engender, cause, contribute to, result in, bring on or about, produce
Your stubbornness can lead only to frustration.
live, experience, spend, pass, while away
He is leading a life of ease on the French Riviera.
come or be or go first, excel, surpass, exceed, precede, be ahead (of), outstrip, distance, outrun, outdo
They lead the world in the production of sugar.
Search Google for Lead:
Guide / Restraint / First / Advantage / Front / Pass / Main / Model / Cable / Live / Move / Tip / Bring / Chief
Business / Finance / Lead Manager: The commercial or investment bank with the primary responsibility for organizing syndicated bank credit or bond issued. The lead manager recruits additional lending or underwriting banks, negotiates t MORE
Technology / Aviation / Leading Edge Flap: a portion of the leading edge of an airplane wing which folds downward to increase the camber of the wing to increase both its lift and drag. Leading-edge flaps are extended for takeoffs and landings MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Pay Per Lead (PPL): Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely based on qualifying leads. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Leading Link: Front motorcycle suspension design in which the axle is mounted at the front end of two short links that pivot at the bottom of solid forks. The links are sprung to control movement. A long leading-li MORE
Business / Finance / Lead Regulator: A leading self-regulatory organization that over sees compliance with a particular section of the law, such as the NYSE, ASE, or NASDAQ. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Leading Shoe: A type of drum brake mechanism. The ?€?leading?€? brake shoe is applied in the direction of the drum rotation. This can either be a single leading shoe or a double (twin) leading shoe design and r MORE