Other Words for Gather

Gather Noun Synonyms
collect, assemble, accumulate, amass, muster, heap or pile (up), garner, pick, harvest, glean, get or bring together, stockpile, stock
I gathered all the firewood I could find.

collect, assemble, convene, meet, huddle, forgather or foregather, get or come together, congregate, turn out, flock or herd (together), group, cluster, throng, crowd, swarm, rally
We gathered round the old man's bed.

Gather Verb Synonyms
purse, shirr, pucker, tuck, ruffle, pleat, draw or pull together, contract, constrict
The fabric is gathered at the waist.

increase, grow, enlarge, expand, extend, wax, heighten, deepen, intensify, build, rise
He stood, menacingly, in the gathering shadows.

draw, conclude, infer, assume, deduce, understand, learn, hear, be led to believe
I gather that you'd prefer not to collect the award in person.

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Gather In The Stops

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Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, And Retrieval System (EDGAR)

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Electronic News Gathering (ENG)

Technology / Television (TV) / Electronic News Gathering (ENG): The video recording of news events or actualities. MORE

Gathering Pipeline

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Gathering System

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