Effect Adjective Synonyms
result, consequence, outcome, conclusion, upshot, aftermath, impact
The effects of the storm could be seen everywhere.
Effect Noun Synonyms
impact, impression, form, sensation
He didn't mean that, he just said it for effect.
effectiveness, efficacy, force, power, capacity, potency, influence, impression, impact, clout, punch
His threats had no effect.
bring about, cause, make happen or take place, effectuate, achieve, accomplish, secure, obtain, make, execute, carry out, produce, create
The opposition was unable to effect any change in the law.
significance, meaning, signification, purport, sense, essence, drift, implication, import, tenor, purpose, intent, intention, object, objective
She said 'Get lost', words to that effect.
Search Google for Effect:
Intent / Force / Import / Sense / Form / Object / Result / Make / Essence / Purpose
Science / Marine Biology / Reverse Bohr Effect: Effect that occurs when lactate builds up in the blood of certain invertebrates and ph decreases, increasing the affinity of hemocyanin for oxygen MORE
Science / Chemistry / Photoelectric Effect: Ejection of electrons from an atom or molecule that has absorbed a photon of sufficient energy. The photoelectric effect is the operating principle behind 'electric eyes'; it is experimental evidence MORE
Science / Chemistry / Inductive Effect: An inductive effect is the polarization of a chemical bond caused by the polarization of an adjacent bond. (Field effects are polarization caused by nonadjacent bonds). MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Memory Effect: The life of a battery may be gradually shortened if it is recharged before it is completely discharged. Memory effect most commonly occurs with Nickel Cadmium batteries are less of a problem with Nick MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Precedence Effect: Also known as the Haas effect, this phenomenon identifies the tendency for the ear to attribute all perceived sound to the nearest emitter, even if a more distant speaker is actually louder. Thus, dru MORE
Business / Finance / Effective Annual Yield: An annual measure of the time value of money that fully reflects the effects of compounding. MORE