Other Words for Gross

Gross Adjective Synonyms
earn, bring or take in, make
We grossed over a million but netted only 50,000 after expenses.

outrageous, flagrant, obvious, plain, glaring, shameful, blatant, monstrous, heinous, manifest, evident
Her conviction was a gross miscarriage of justice.

(overall) total, take, intake, takings, receipts, gate
As I said, the gross was over a million.

coarse, vulgar, crude, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, earthy, crass, indelicate, indecent, inappropriate, unseemly, improper, unrefined, bawdy, ribald, Rabelaisian, raw, rude, offensive, obscene, lewd, dirty, smutty, pornographic, filthy
That was too gross a story for mixed company.

disgusting, repulsive, repellent, revolting, nauseating
His table manners are truly gross.

Gross Noun Synonyms
fat, obese, corpulent, overweight, big, large, bulky, great, heavy, ponderous, massive, cumbersome, unwieldy
The gross detective eased his bulk onto a tiny chair.

Gross Verb Synonyms
total, aggregate, entire, pre-tax, (all-)inclusive, overall, whole
The gross profit was up by 15 per cent this year.

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More Words for Gross

Heavy / Take / Large / Whole / Fat / Gate / Total / Make / Rude / Filthy / Big

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Gross Rental Income

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Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

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