Other Words for Rude

Rude Adjective Synonyms
crude, rough, clumsy, awkward, unskillful, unskilled, artless, inartistic, imperfect, unpolished, inaccurate, gauche, bumbling, raw, inelegant, makeshift, homespun, primitive, misshapen, ill-formed, unfinished, rough-hewn, simple, basic, bare
The replica on view in the local museum is only a rude approximation of the original.

Rude Noun Synonyms
impertinent, impudent, discourteous, insulting, insolent, offensive, saucy, bold, disrespectful, uncivil, flippant, brusque, curt, gruff, tactless, outrageous, fresh
I simply asked the chambermaid to make up my room early and she responded with a rude remark.

impolite, discourteous, disrespectful, ungracious, ungallant, unmannerly, ill-mannered, uncivil, bad-mannered, ungentlemanly, unladylike, ill-bred, unrefined, unpolished, uncouth, boorish, churlish, oafish, loutish, coarse, uncivilized, uncultured, uncere
It was rude of him not to get up when she came in, but he doesn't know any better.

Rude Verb Synonyms
naughty, unrefined, ribald, bawdy, indecent, indelicate, vulgar, obscene, dirty, filthy, lubricious or lubricous, lewd, gross, smutty,, pornographic
Chris has an extensive collection of rude photographs.

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