Large Adjective Synonyms
big, huge, ample, enormous, gigantic, immense, colossal, monumental, massive, mammoth, Brobdingnagian, gargantuan, elephantine, monstrous, staggering, sizeable, substantial, wide, broad, capacious, extensive, jumbo, humongous, ginormous
The house has a large dining room. Supertankers are the largest ships afloat.
big, prominently, overwhelmingly, imposingly, eminently, pre-eminently
The problem looms large in the history of biology.
Large Verb Synonyms
big, generous, bountiful, charitable, eleemosynary, philanthropic, open-handed, magnanimous, munificent, unselfish, big-hearted, large-hearted, substantial, considerable, ample, beneficent, liberal, goodly, kind, good, tidy
We have to thank Mr. Wilson for large donations to our Christmas fund.
big, great, broad, stout, heavy, thickset, chunky, stocky, heavy-set, brawny, husky, sturdy, hefty, muscular, strapping, burly, solid, weighty, corpulent, fat, obese, rotund, portly, adipose, beamy, overweight
Two large gentlemen came up and offered to help me find the door.
Search Google for Large:
Lifestyle / Travel / Very Large Ship: A ship in excess of 100,000 gross registered tons (grt). Very large ships include the carnival conquest, the golden princess, and royal caribbean's navigator of the seas. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Cold-Light Enlarger: Enlarger using cold cathode illumination. A diffusion type of enlarger. These types of enlarger heads scatter the light more evenly across the surface of the negative. One advantage of the cold light MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Modular Enlarger: Is an enlarger with interchangeable filtration heads and illuminations systems. MORE
Technology / Motors / Large Motors: Usually refers to AC motors in 5,000 series frames and above and to 500 series frames and larger in DC. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Diffusion Condenser Enlarger: Enlarger that combines diffuse light with a condenser system, producing more contrast and sharper detail than a diffusion enlarger but less contrast than a condenser enlarger. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Daylight Enlarger: Early type of enlarger using light from a hole in a window to provide illumination of the negative. MORE