Other Words for Filthy

Filthy Adjective Synonyms
immoral, tabu, indecent, impure, obscene, smutty, pornographic, X-rated, depraved, corrupt, dirty, lewd, lascivious, licentious, gross, offensive, coarse, bawdy, ribald, blue, suggestive, foul-mouthed, dirty-minded, filthy-minded
Customs officers confiscated thousands of filthy books, magazines, films, videos.

Filthy Noun Synonyms
dirty, unwashed, begrimed, squalid, sordid, shabby, soiled, low, stained, grimy, bedraggled, unkempt, slovenly, sloppy, mean, scurvy, disgusting, miserable, wretched, gungy, grungy
The filthy beggar turned out to be Holmes in disguise.

defiled, polluted, tainted, foul, nasty, dirty, unclean, vile, putrid, rotten, fetid or foetid, maggoty, fly-blown, purulent, feculent, faecal, scummy, slimy, mucky, cruddy, gungy, grungy
That city's public lavatories are the filthiest I have ever seen.

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