Entertainment / Bowling / Part Of The Building or House: Said of the 7 or 10 pin when it remains solidly standing after an apparently perfect hit. Used in a phrase such as, That pin must be part of the building.
Search Google for Part Of The Building or House:
Building Noun Synonyms: edifice, structure, construction, erection
House Verb Synonyms: family, line, lineage, dynasty, clan, ancestry, strain, race, blood, descendants, forebears
House Noun Synonyms: legislature, legislative body, congress, parliament, assembly, council, diet
House Adverb Synonyms: residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, home, abode, household, homestead, domicile, lodging(s), quarters, building, edifice
Part Verb Synonyms: portion, component, factor, constituent, element, ingredient
Part Noun Synonyms: piece, portion, division, allotment, share, percentage, participation, interest, parcel, fragment, scrap, shard, some
The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz
Science / Marine Biology / Penetration Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms, any device used to penetrate and gain an initial purchase on the sediment so that the body can be thrust in farther MORE
Health / Pilates / Pelvic Floor Muscles: The deep internal muscles engaged when halting urination or performing a Kegel exercise. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Pelorus: An instrument formerly used on a vessel in connection with a current line and current pole to obtain the set of the current. In its simplest form, it was a disk about 8 inches in diameter and graduate MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Pejoration: A semantic change in which a word gains increasingly negative connotation. For instance, the word lewd originally referred to laymen as opposed to priests. It underwent pejoration to mean 'ignorant,' MORE
Business / Finance / Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC): A federal agency that insures the vested benefits of pension plan participants (established in 1974 by the ERISA legislation). MORE
Business / Debt / Pension Mortgage: A personal mortgage is a type of personal pension plan which utilises the tax free lump sum entitlement from the pension fund at retirement age to repay a mortgage whilst the remainder is used to prov MORE