Science / Marine Biology / Penetration Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms, any device used to penetrate and gain an initial purchase on the sediment so that the body can be thrust in farther
Search Google for Penetration Anchor:
Anchor Verb Synonyms: attach, affix, secure, moor, fix, fasten, pin, rivet, glue
Anchor Noun Synonyms: mooring
Penetration Adjective Synonyms: piercing, perforation, puncturing, incision, puncture, penetrating, inroad, entry, entrance
Entertainment / Video Games / Market Penetration: The ratio of installed base versus population. (People who buy a product vs. People who do not.) MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): An appraisal that requires raters to list important dimensions of a particular job and collect information regarding the critical behaviors that distinguish between successful and unsuccessful perform MORE
Business / Finance / Market Penetration-Share: Used in the context of general equities. Percent of trading volume in a stock that a particular market maker trades. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Penetration: When the ball is dribbled or passed inside the defensive area toward the basket. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Terminal Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms: any device used to anchor the leading portion of the burrower, permitting muscular contraction to drag the rest of the body into the sediment MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Penetration Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms, any device used to penetrate and gain an initial purchase on the sediment so that the body can be thrust in farther MORE