Other Words for House

House Adverb Synonyms
residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, home, abode, household, homestead, domicile, lodging(s), quarters, building, edifice
We are playing bridge at my house next Saturday.

House Noun Synonyms
legislature, legislative body, congress, parliament, assembly, council, diet
Both houses of the legislature passed the bill.

house of ill repute or ill fame or prostitution, brothel, whore-house, bagnio, bordello, bawdy-house, sporting house, crib, cat-house
She used to run a house in Lambeth.

establishment, firm, concern, company, business, organization, enterprise, undertaking, outfit
He has gone from one publishing house to another with his manuscript.

auditorium, theatre, concert-hall
The house is sold out.

contain, accommodate, quarter
This building houses our computer operations.

shelter, accommodate, domicile, lodge, quarter, put up, take in, board, billet, harbor
We have housed as many as ten people at a time in the cottage.

House Verb Synonyms
family, line, lineage, dynasty, clan, ancestry, strain, race, blood, descendants, forebears
She is a member of the royal house of Sweden.

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More Words for House

Home / Family / Dwelling / Race / Shelter / Theatre / Quarters / Board / Line / Lodge

Relative Houses

Science / Astrology / Relative Houses: House three, seven, and eleven, ruled naturally by air signs. Function focuses on human relationships. As a group, these houses form the Trinity of Association. MORE

Oriental Houses

Science / Astrology / Oriental Houses: Houses that lie in the eastern (oriental) hemisphere of a horoscope, houses one, two, three, ten, eleven, and twelve. Sometimes used to describe those houses moving away (clockwise) from the horizon ( MORE

Households Using Television (HUT)

Technology / Television (TV) / Households Using Television (HUT): The percentage of all television households in a survey area with one or more sets in use during a specific time period. MORE

Commission House

Business / Finance / Commission House: A broker on the floor of an exchange who acts as agent for a particular brokerage house and buys and sells stocks for the brokerage house on a commission basis. MORE

Temporal Houses

Science / Astrology / Temporal Houses: House two, six and ten, ruled by earth signs; symbolic of the material aspects life. As a group they form the Trinity of Wealth. MORE

Terminal Houses

Science / Astrology / Terminal Houses: Those houses ruled naturally by water signs: four, eight and twelve. They pertain to endings and results and symbolize occult interests. Collectively, they are known as the Trinity of Psychism. MORE