Part Noun Synonyms
neighborhood, quarter, section, district, region, area, corner, vicinity, vicinage, neck of the woods
I come from the same part of the country as you.
separate, divide, put or pull apart, put asunder
I saw a pale hand part the curtains for a brief moment. A fool and his money are soon parted.
separate, part company, split up, go his or her (or their) separate way(s), break up, say or bid goodbye (or adieu,), leave, depart, go (away or off)
We parted on the best of terms.
piece, portion, division, allotment, share, percentage, participation, interest, parcel, fragment, scrap, shard, some
I bought a part of the company when it was available. I want no part of the deal now.
piece, portion, segment, section, department, division, component, unit
Which part of the turkey do you prefer? In which part of the company do you work.
side, interest, cause, behalf, faction, party
Which part did you support in the argument? No explanation has been offered on either part.
role, character
He plays the part of Tweedledum in the school play.
role, function, duty, responsibility, share, say, voice, influence, participation, involvement, business
Every man must do his part. Don't thank me! I had no part in your getting the contract.
Part Verb Synonyms
partial, fractional, limited
Ronald is a part owner of the company.
portion, component, factor, constituent, element, ingredient
A part of her problem is that she doesn't speak Japanese.
Search Google for Part:
Portion / Scrap / Separate / Share / Side / Section / Character / Voice / Divide / Leave / Say / Party
Science / Chemistry / Beta Particle: (??-) An electron emitted by an unstable nucleus, when a neutron decays into a proton and an electron. In some cases, beta radiation consists of positrons ('antielectrons' which are identical to elect MORE
Science / Chemistry / Particulate: Composed of distinct particles. Smoke is particulate; pure gases are not. MORE
Business / Taxes / Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA) Mortgage: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mortgages enable qualifying veterans or their surviving spouses to borrow up to the annual federal limit in order to buy conventional homes, mobile homes, and condo MORE
Science / Chemistry / Aspartic Acid: (D,HOOCCH2CH(NH2)COOH) A nonessential amino acid* that is abundant in molasses. The carboxylic acid* group on the side chain is ionized under physiological conditions, making aspartic acid residues in MORE
Science / Chemistry / Nonparticulate: Not composed of distinct particles. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Partial Miscibility: Two liquids are considered partially miscible if shaking equal volumes of the liquids together results in a meniscus visible between two layers of liquid, but the volumes of the layers are not identic MORE