Other Words for Set

Set Noun Synonyms
stereotyped, trite, hackneyed, routine, standard, traditional, unchanged, unvaried, invariable
He made his set welcoming speech, as usual dripping with condescension, to the incoming classes.

go down, sink, decline, subside
The sun is setting.

jell or gel, congeal, freeze, solidify, stiffen, harden, clot, coagulate, thicken, cake
The concrete takes a long time to set in this weather.

fixed, established, determined, predetermined, arranged, prearranged, decided, customary,ual, normal, regular, agreed, conventional, habitual, definite, defined, firm, unvarying, unvaried, unchanging, wonted, rigid, strict, settled, scheduled
There is a set order in which these things are done.

setting, stage set or setting, scene, mise en scŠne, mounting, scenery
Hunter's set for Waiting for Godot won a prize.

set down, place, put, situate, locate, site, plant, position, station, stand, lay, install or instal, lodge, mount, park, deposit, plump, drop, plunk or plonk (down)
Please set that blue box over here.

prepared, ready, fit, primed
Are you all set to go.

Set Verb Synonyms
adjust, move, tilt, fix, place, position, lodge
He set his hat at a jaunty angle and strode out of the restaurant.

focus on, home or zero in on, pinpoint, pin down
When Ivor sets his mind on doing something, it usually gets done.

present, introduce, establish, determine, stipulate, lay down, define, indicate, designate, specify, set or mark off, delineate
Who set the pattern for such behavior? You'll have to set the rules.

adjust, regulate, turn, synchronize, fix, calibrate, coordinate
Set your watches to Greenwich Mean Time. Set the counter back to zero.

kit, outfit, rig, equipment, apparatus
When I was ten, my father bought me a chemistry set.

prepare, set up, concoct, lay, arrange, fix
I think we ought to set a trap for the burglar.

set forth, propound, present, devise, work out or up, make up, select, choose, decide, settle, establish
Who is going to set the questions for the examination.

collection, group, combination, number, grouping, assortment, selection, arrangement, series
Brackenhall bought a set of Hogarth etchings from the gallery.

clique, coterie, group, company, circle, ring, crowd, faction, sect, gang
The set she associates with think nothing of flying to Rio for the weekend.

establish, fix, fasten on, appoint
The date of the wedding has been set for May 23rd.

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More Words for Set

Scene / Strict / Move / Fix / Ring / Present / Tilt / Freeze / Lodge / Park / Arrange / Fit / Station / Drop / Plant / Stand / Circle / Setting / Sink / Number / Deposit / Determined / Indicate / Group / Ready / Position / Select / Turn

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