Station Adjective Synonyms
place, position, spot, post, site, location
The sentry is not to leave his station till relieved.
railway station, train station, passenger station, bus station, depot
Let's meet in the waiting-room in the station.
Station Noun Synonyms
position, place, status, rank, caste, standing, class, level
As a doctor, he attained a station in life far above that of his father.
position, place, spot, post, site, locate, assign, appoint, garrison, install or instal, billet
He was stationed in three different places in four years.
Search Google for Station:
Technology / Television (TV) / Satellite Station: A station that has agreed to rebroadcast the transmission of another station (generally operating in a larger nearby market) to an area that cannot otherwise be served by that station. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Independent Station: Stations not affiliated with any network, usually refers to commercial stations only. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / O and O Station: A television station owned and operated by a national network. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Geostationary: Satellites orbit the Earth 22,300 miles above the Equator and rotate at the same relative speed and direction as the Earth's surface. Therefore, the satellites appear stationary. There are well over 3 MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Primary Control Tide Station: A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum of 19 years. Its purpose is to provide data for computing accepted values of the harmonic and non-harmonic constants essen MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Secondary Control Tide Station: A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum period of 1 year but less than 19 years. The series is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a primary MORE