Position Adjective Synonyms
posture, attitude, stance, pose, disposition, arrangement, disposal
Once in a while, he would change his position so that he faced the sun. With the pieces in this position the chess game is a draw.
Position Noun Synonyms
status, condition, state, circumstances, situation
Our financial position vis-a-vis investment in gilt bonds has changed.
place, locate, establish, determine, fix, localize
The scientists positioned the seismic activity as being along the San Andreas fault.
hypothesis, thesis, principle, contention, assertion, predication, belief, proposition, postulate
His position is based on the implications of the third law of thermodynamics.
put, place, situate, site, set, fix, settle, dispose, arrange
The pointer is again positioned at zero. Position your forces along this ridge and stay on full alert.
class, caste, place, rank, standing, station, status, importance
They insist on knowing the social position of the girl's family.
viewpoint, point of view, outlook, attitude, angle, slant, stance, stand, opinion, inclination, leaning, bent, sentiment, feeling, way of thinking
My solicitor is pessimistic about my position in this case.
Position Verb Synonyms
site, placement, situation, whereabouts, placing, emplacement, location
Those bearings put his present position about 20 miles west of C diz.
Search Google for Position:
Placement / Stand / Sentiment / Set / Arrange / State / Fix / Class / Station
Entertainment / Baseball / Scoring Position: A runner who is on second or third base is said to be in scoring position because, usually, a single will score him. MORE
Business / Finance / Position Trader: A commodities trader who takes a long-term approach in maintaining positions in the market and does not close out of these positions until close to the delivery date. MORE
Business / Finance / Position Limits: Applies to derivative products. Maximum position available in any one future or option contract for a given institution. For 'bona fide' futures hedgers, there are no position limits. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Field Position: The location of a team on the field relative to the two goal lines; good field position for a team is near its opponent?€™s goal line, while bad field position is close to its own goal line. MORE
Business / Finance / Position Sheet: Used in the context of general equities. List of long and short positions for an individual trader or desk, at times accompanied by the trades from the previous trading session that brought these clos MORE
Science / Astrology / Opposition: A second harmonic aspect, separating distance 180?°. A major hard aspect, the opposition creates awareness, attraction and antagonism between the planets in polarity. MORE