Other Words for Number

Number Adjective Synonyms
numeral, integer, figure, digit
The columns of numbers were entered in a neat hand.

Number Noun Synonyms
count, enumerate, compute, calculate, tally, figure (up), add (up), include, total, tot (up), reckon, sum (up)
Who can number the stars.

issue, edition, copy
The fourth number of the quarterly is published at the end of the year.

Number Verb Synonyms
few, handful, crowd, slew, gang, bunch, party, bevy, covey, troop, company, platoon, swarm, horde, multitude, mob, host, army, mass, hundred, thousand, million, billion, several, many, numbers, legions, slew(s) or slue(s), loads
A number of people attended the meeting. An enormous number of viruses could fit on the head of a pin.

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More Words for Number

Host / Total / Count / Mass / Party / Copy

Number Portability

Technology / Cell Phones / Number Portability: A term used to describe the capability of individuals, businesses and organizations to retain their existing telephone number(s) ?€“?€“ and the same quality of service ?€“?€“ when swit MORE

Reynolds Number

Science / Marine Biology / Reynolds Number: A number that represents the relative importance of viscous forces and inertial forces in a fluid. As Re increases, inertial forces become more important. In sea water, Re increaseswith increasing wat MORE

Local Number Portability (LNP)

Technology / Cell Phones / Local Number Portability (LNP): The ability of subscribers to switch local or wireless carriers and still retain the same phone number, as they can now with long-distance carriers. Wireless carriers do not have to offer LNP until Ma MORE

Electronic Serial Number (ESN)

Technology / Cell Phones / Electronic Serial Number (ESN): The unique identification number embedded in a wireless phone by the manufacturer. Each time a call is placed, the ESN is automatically transmitted to the base station so the wireless carrier's mobile MORE

Mobile Identification Number (MIN)

Technology / Cell Phones / Mobile Identification Number (MIN): Uniquely identifies a mobile unit within a wireless carrier's network. The MIN often can be dialed from other wireless or wireline networks. The number differs from the electronic serial number (ESN), MORE

Whisper Number

Business / Taxes / Whisper Number: A whisper number is an unofficial earnings estimate for a particular company that a stock analyst shares with clients to supplement the official published estimate. If the company reports earnings in MORE