Business / Finance / Commission House: A broker on the floor of an exchange who acts as agent for a particular brokerage house and buys and sells stocks for the brokerage house on a commission basis.
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House Noun Synonyms: legislature, legislative body, congress, parliament, assembly, council, diet
House Verb Synonyms: family, line, lineage, dynasty, clan, ancestry, strain, race, blood, descendants, forebears
House Adverb Synonyms: residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, home, abode, household, homestead, domicile, lodging(s), quarters, building, edifice
Business / Real Estate / One-Hundred-Percent Commission Plan: Some firms have adopted a 100 percent commission plan. Salespersons in these offices pay a monthly service charge to their brokers to cover the costs of office space, telephones and supervision in ret MORE
Business / Real Estate / Open House: The common real estate practice of showing listed homes to the public during established hours. MORE
Science / Astrology / Occidental Houses: Correctly, houses that lie in the western (occidental) portion of a horoscope, houses four through nine. Sometimes used to describe first and third quadrant houses (one, two, three, seven, eight and n MORE
Business / Real Estate / No Loan, No Commission: A listing agreement requiring that escrow be closed and title transferred before an agent is entitled to a commission. MORE
Science / Astrology / Ninth House: Also known as the House of Philosophy. It represents religion, travel, foreign countries, in-laws, higher education, publishing, import/export and ethics. MORE
Science / Astrology / Oriental Houses: Houses that lie in the eastern (oriental) hemisphere of a horoscope, houses one, two, three, ten, eleven, and twelve. Sometimes used to describe those houses moving away (clockwise) from the horizon ( MORE