Other Words for Shelter

Shelter Noun Synonyms
protect, screen, shield, safeguard, guard, keep, secure, harbor
The parapet sheltered the guards from the icy wind.

protection, cover, refuge, asylum, sanctuary, haven, safety, security
During the hailstorm, we sought shelter in a cave.

seek or take refuge or shelter, hole up, lie or lay low
Mike sheltered in a mountain hut until the hue and cry died down.

Shelter Verb Synonyms
cover, covering, concealment, screen, umbrella
Under the shelter of a moonless night, they stole quietly past the guards.

dwelling-place, habitation, home, dwelling, housing, accommodation
He feels that everyone is entitled to food, clothing, shelter.

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More Words for Shelter

Keep / Guard / Cover / Screen / Dwelling / Protection / Home

Tax Shelter

Business / Finance / Tax Shelter: Selling of securities to realize losses that will offset capital gains and reduce tax liability. See: Wash sale. MORE

Abusive Tax Shelter

Business / Finance / Abusive Tax Shelter: A limited partnership that the IRS judges to be claiming tax deductions illegally. MORE

Instrument Shelter

Science / Weather / Instrument Shelter: A boxlike structure designed to protect temperature measuring instruments from exposure to direct sunshine, precipitation, and condensation, while at the same time time providing adequate ventilation. MORE


Business / Agriculture / Shelterbelt: A plant barrier of trees, shrubs, or other approved perennial vegetation designed to reduce wind erosion. Also called a windbreak. MORE

Tax Reform Act Of 1986 (TRA 86)

Business / Real Estate / Tax Reform Act Of 1986 (TRA 86): Sweeping revisions to the income tax laws, enacted by the United State Congress in 1986, that lowered tax rates and eliminated many tax shelters. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Fool: Originally a jester-at-court who would entertain the king and nobles, the court jester was often a dwarf or a mentally incompetent individual. His role was to amuse others with his physical or mental MORE