Science / Astrology / Relative Houses: House three, seven, and eleven, ruled naturally by air signs. Function focuses on human relationships. As a group, these houses form the Trinity of Association.
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Relative Noun Synonyms: related, connected, associated, allied, affiliated, interconnected, interrelated, pertinent, relevant, germane, applicable, apropos
Science / Chemistry / Relative Standard Deviation: The relative standard deviation is a measure of precision, calculated by dividing the standard deviation for a series of measurements by the average measurement. MORE
Business / Finance / Relative Strength: Movement of a stock price over the past year as compared to a market index (like the S&P 500). A value below 1.0 means the stock shows relative weakness in price movement (underperformed the market); MORE
Science / Biology / Relative Time: Type of geologic time (absolute time being the other) that places events in a sequence relative to each other. MORE
Health / Disease / Relative Risk: Relative risk is a ratio of the probability of the event occurring in the exposed group versus non-exposed group. MORE
Business / Finance / Relative Purchasing Power Parity (RPPP): Idea that the rate of change in the price level of commodities in one country relative to the price level in another determines the rate of change of the exchange rate between the two countries' curre MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Relative Mean Sea Level Change: A local change in mean sea level relative to a network of bench marks established in the most stable and permanent material available (bedrock, if possible) on the land adjacent to the tide station lo MORE