Dynamic Adjective Synonyms
dynamical, vigorous, active, forceful, energetic, potent, powerful, high-powered, lively, spry, vital, electric, spirited, zealous, eager, emphatic
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Search Google for Dynamic:
Technology / Computers / Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM): Dynamic Random Access Memory. This is a common type of random access memory that is used in personal computing. The 'dynamic' in its name is due to the fact that this memory needs to be refreshed as o MORE
Technology / Computers / Dynamic Programming Language: This dynamic programming language has the ability to change the program structure as it runs. MORE
Technology / Computers / Dynamic Hypertext Mark-Up Language (DHTML): Stands for Dynamic HTML. This term applies to many web design standards such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS where these elements may be intermixed to create more dynamic design elements. By using DHTML, MORE
Technology / Computers / Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): This is a process of dynamically allocating IP addresses so that they can be reused. This provides a way of managing IP addresses for all PC's connected to cable modems in a network. MORE
Life Style / Wine / Biodynamic Vitulture: An extension of organic viticulture, taking into account the effect of the moon and planets on the health of the vines. Based on the principles of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. Read more about MORE
Life Style / Wine / Biodynamic Viticulture: Like biodynamic agriculture in general, biodynamic grape-growing stems from the ideas and suggestions of Rudolf Steiner (1861.1925), which predate most of the organic movement. The principles and prac MORE