Other Words for Active

Active Adjective Synonyms
energetic, lively, hyperactive, animated, spry, nimble, quick, agile, sprightly
There is no keeping up with an active child.

acting, effective, efficacious, effectual, working, functioning, operative, potent, influential, powerful
The active ingredient in her medicine is an antihistamine.

strenuous, vigorous, full, dynamic, physical, energetic, lively, busy, brisk, bustling, occupied, on the move, on the go, running
She is healthier for having led a very active life. He always seems to be active.

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More Words for Active

Full / Quick / Nimble / Dynamic

Interactive Mode

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Retroactive Modeling

Technology / Programming / Retroactive Modeling: Retroactive modeling allows types to model concepts without modifying the types in question. Retroactive modeling is very important for reusing existing data structures with new, generic algorithms. MORE

Active Full-Time Employee

Health / Dentistry / Active Full-Time Employee: An employee must work for the employer on a regular basis in the usual course of the employer's business to be considered an active, full-time employee and eligible for coverage. Usually, a minimum nu MORE

Active Iron

Technology / Motors / Active Iron: The amount of steel (iron) in the stator and rotor of a motor. Usually the amount of active iron is increased or decreased by lengthening or shortening the rotor and stator (they are generally the sam MORE

Interactive Television

Technology / Television (TV) / Interactive Television: An anticipated use of television with interactive content and enhancements, enabling the viewer to interact with the program. Interactive television, in theory, would enhance the entertainment experie MORE

Digital Video Interactive (DVI)

Technology / Computers / Digital Video Interactive (DVI): A standard that integrates digital motion, still video, sound, graphics, and special effects in a compressed format. It is a highly sophisticated hardware compression technique used in many interactiv MORE