Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)

Technology / Computers / Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM): Dynamic Random Access Memory. This is a common type of random access memory that is used in personal computing. The 'dynamic' in its name is due to the fact that this memory needs to be refreshed as opposed to other SRAM that is 'static'. The DRAM is refreshed by the use of electrical current pulses that pass through all memory cells. DRAM needs to be periodically refreshed to retain the stored data.
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Other Words for Dynamic

Dynamic Adjective Synonyms: dynamical, vigorous, active, forceful, energetic, potent, powerful, high-powered, lively, spry, vital, electric, spirited, zealous, eager, emphatic

Other Words for Memory

Memory Noun Synonyms: remembrance, honor, homage, respect, tribute, celebration
Memory Verb Synonyms: recall, recollection, retention

Other Words for Random

Random Adjective Synonyms: haphazard, chance, fortuitous, serendipitous, aleatory, arbitrary, casual, stray, occasional, indefinite, indiscriminate, non-specific, unspecific, unspecified, unordered, unorganized, undirected, unpremeditated, unplanned, accidental, uncalculated, unsys

Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

Technology / Computers / Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA): A method of configuring a cluster of microprocessor in a multiprocessing system so that they can communicate with each other, this improves performance and its expansion ability. MORE

Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM)

Technology / Computers / Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM): Any type of memory that is made non-volatile by connecting it to a constant power source, such as a battery. Therefore, non-volatile memory does not lose its contents when the main power is turned off MORE

Normal Random Variable

Business / Finance / Normal Random Variable: A random variable that has a normal probability distribution. MORE