Vital Noun Synonyms
lively, full of life, vivacious, spirited, vigorous, dynamic, alive, animated, brisk, energetic
We have lost a vital member of the community. She took a vital interest in community affairs.
important, key, central, critical, crucial, life-and-death or life-or-death, pivotal, paramount, main
In an emergency, the captain must make the vital decision whether to abandon ship. This is a matter of vital concern for us all.
invigorating, quickening, life-giving, animating, vitalizing, reviving, vivifying, enlivening, rejuvenating
I could feel the vital energies returning to my limbs.
Vital Verb Synonyms
imperative, essential, necessary, needed, requisite, required, indispensable, mandatory, compulsory, cardinal, fundamental, basic, critical, crucial, central, pivotal
Air and water are vital for the existence of most known organisms.
Search Google for Vital:
Health / Tai Chi / Sanbao Guiyuan (Saambou Gwaiyin): A meditative Qigong practice for restoring and rebalancing three realms of human nature. 'Sanbao (Saambou)' is literally translated as 'three treasures,' which are 'Jing' or our inherited individual e MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Fragmentation: Separation into different parts, or preventing their integration, or detaching one or more parts from the rest. A fear of fragmentation of the personality, also known as disintegration anxiety, is oft MORE
Health / Tai Chi / Qi (Hei): Life force or vital energy. The Chinese character for qi is a pictogram of steam rising from (cooking) rice, a metaphor for the unseen force connected to physical phenomena. Qi is viewed as the fundam MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Tanking: To purposely lose a match, because of poor mental game or other reason; or to purposely lose a non-vital set, so as to focus energy and attention on a match-deciding set. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Hydrolyzed Ascorbic Acid: Substance deeply absorbed into skin cells stimulating collagen synthesis, it works as a powerful antioxidant, used in revitalizing skin care products. MORE