Science / Genetics / Highly Conserved Sequence: Dna sequence that is very similar across several different types of organisms.
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Highly Adjective Synonyms: greatly, much, tremendously, well, enthusiastically, warmly, immensely, hugely
Highly Adverb Synonyms: favourably, well, enthusiastically, approvingly, warmly, praisefully
Sequence Noun Synonyms: succession, progression, order, series, chain, string, course, cycle, arrangement, organization, train, line, set, run, concatenation, system
Science / Genetics / Repeat Sequences: The length of a nucleotide sequence that is repeated in a tandem cluster. MORE
Science / Genetics / Sanger Sequence: Plus and minus or 'primed synthesis' method: dna is synthesized so it is radioactively labeled and the reaction terminates specifically at the position corresponding to a given base. MORE
Science / Genetics / Regulatory Region Or Sequence: A dna base sequence that controls gene expression. MORE
Science / Biology / Nucleotide Sequences: The genetic code encrypted in the sequence of bases along a nucleic acid. MORE
Business / Finance / Highly Leveraged Transaction (HLT): An investment banking firm's letter indicating that the firm is highly confident it will be able to arrange financing for a securities deal. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Highly Stratified Estuary: An estuary having a distinct surface layer of fresh or very-low-salinity water, capping a deeper layer of higher salinity, more oceanic water MORE