Highly Leveraged Transaction (HLT)

Business / Finance / Highly Leveraged Transaction (HLT): An investment banking firm's letter indicating that the firm is highly confident it will be able to arrange financing for a securities deal.
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Other Words for Highly

Highly Adjective Synonyms: greatly, much, tremendously, well, enthusiastically, warmly, immensely, hugely
Highly Adverb Synonyms: favourably, well, enthusiastically, approvingly, warmly, praisefully

Other Words for Transaction

Transaction Adjective Synonyms: deal, dealing, negotiation, matter, affair, business, action, proceeding, agreement, arrangement, bargain

Riskless Transaction

Business / Finance / Riskless Transaction: A transaction that is guaranteed a profit, such as the arbitrage of a temporary differential between commodity prices in two different markets. The evaluation of whether dealer markups and markdowns i MORE

Reverse Leveraged Buyout

Business / Finance / Reverse Leveraged Buyout: Bringing back into publicly traded status a company that had been privatized by way of a leveraged buyout. MORE

Round-Trip Transactions Costs

Business / Finance / Round-Trip Transactions Costs: Costs of completing a transaction, including commissions, market impact costs, and taxes. MORE

Structured Arbitrage Transaction

Business / Finance / Structured Arbitrage Transaction: A form of pricing efficiency, that posits that the price of a security reflects all information, whether or not it is publicly available. Related: Weak-form efficiency, semi-strong form efficiency. MORE

Taxable Transaction

Business / Finance / Taxable Transaction: Taxed private-purpose bonds issued by the state or local government to finance prohibited projects such as sports stadiums. MORE

Opening Transaction

Business / Finance / Opening Transaction: Applies to derivative products. (1)Buy or sell transaction that creates a position out of a flat one (writing an option short or buying an option long). Antithesis of closing transaction. (2) First tr MORE