Science / Marine Biology / Highly Stratified Estuary: An estuary having a distinct surface layer of fresh or very-low-salinity water, capping a deeper layer of higher salinity, more oceanic water
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Highly Adjective Synonyms: greatly, much, tremendously, well, enthusiastically, warmly, immensely, hugely
Highly Adverb Synonyms: favourably, well, enthusiastically, approvingly, warmly, praisefully
Science / Marine Biology / Seasonal Estuary: An estuary in which salinity at any one geographic point changes seasonally (e.g., decreases during the spring melt) MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Estuary Program: A program established under the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 to develop and implement conservation and management plans for protecting estuaries and restoring and maintaining their chemical, phy MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Moderately Stratified Estuary: An estuary in which seaward flow of surface low-salinity water and moderate vertical mixing result in a modest vertical salinity gradient MORE
Business / Finance / Stratified Equity Indexing: Acquisition of another firm in order to realize some operational benefits which will result in increased earnings. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Stratified Marketplace: The real estate market is a marketplace that is stratified based on price. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Vertically Homogeneous Estuary: An estuary in which, at any given location, wind or tidal mixing homogenizes salinity throughout the water column MORE