Science / Genetics / Repeat Sequences: The length of a nucleotide sequence that is repeated in a tandem cluster.
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Repeat Verb Synonyms: reiterate, restate, echo, retell, recite, quote, rehearse, recount, recapitulate, recap
Science / Genetics / Tandem Repeat Sequences: Multiple copies of the same base sequence on a chromosome: used as markers in physical mapping. MORE
Science / Genetics / Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR): Any gene whose alleles contain different numbers of tandemly repeated oligonucleotide sequences. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Repeater: Device that receives a radio signal, amplifies it and retransmits it in a new direction. Used in wireless networks to extend the range of base station signals, expanding coverage more economically tha MORE
Entertainment / Music / Repeat Sign: Musical symbol that indicates repetition of a passage in a composition. MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Repeater: A unit which duplicates the ppi display at a location remote from the main radar indicator installation. Also called ppi repeater, remote ppi. MORE
Science / Genetics / Repeat Sequences: The length of a nucleotide sequence that is repeated in a tandem cluster. MORE