Critical Reading

Entertainment / Literature / Critical Reading: Careful analysis of an essay's structure and logic in order to determine the validity of an argument. Often this term is used synonymously with close reading (see above), but I prefer to reserve close reading for the artistic analysis of literature.
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Other Words for Critical

Critical Adjective Synonyms: carping, fault-finding, censorious, disparaging, depreciatory or depreciative, depreciating, deprecatory or deprecative, deprecating, judgemental

Preferred Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Preferred Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that is stressed by the text itself. Marxists presume this reading to align with the dominant ideology. MORE


Science / Astrology / Reading: See 'Report.' MORE

Oppositional Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Oppositional Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that is wholly contrary to the text's dominant meanings. MORE

Open Reading Frame (ORF)

Science / Genetics / Open Reading Frame (ORF): The sequence of dna or rna located between the start-code sequence (initiation codon) and the stop-code sequence (termination codon). MORE

Incident Light Reading

Entertainment / Photography / Incident Light Reading: Measurement, by light meter, of the amount of incident light falling upon a subject. The light meter is placed close to the subject, pointing towards the main light source. MORE

Negotiated Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Negotiated Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that partially accepts and partially rejects the meanings that the text emphasizes. MORE