Preferred Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Preferred Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that is stressed by the text itself. Marxists presume this reading to align with the dominant ideology.
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Preferred Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Preferred Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that is stressed by the text itself. Marxists presume this reading to align with the dominant ideology. MORE

Preferred Provider Organizations (Ppos)

Health / Health Insurance / Preferred Provider Organizations (Ppos): You or your employer receive discounted rates if you use doctors from a pre-selected group. If you use a physician outside the PPO plan, you must pay more for the medical care. MORE

Preferred Shares

Business / Finance / Preferred Shares: Preferred shares give investors a fixed dividend from the company's earnings and entitle them to be paid before common shareholders. See: Preferred stock. MORE

Preferred Spin Axis (Psa)

Entertainment / Bowling / Preferred Spin Axis (Psa): It is the final axis a ball achieves while rolling down the lane. It is heavily influenced by the amount of friction and bowler generated revolutions. MORE

Preferred Stock

Business / Accounting / Preferred Stock: A class of stock that usually provides dividend and liquidation preferences over common stock. MORE

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan

Health / Dentistry / Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan: A specific type of CIGNA health plan with a national network of physicians. Plan members can visit physicians both in and out of the network, and can visit specialists without a referral. Members don' MORE