Critical Adjective Synonyms
crucial, important, essential, basic, key, decisive, pivotal, vital, momentous
The meeting at the bank will be critical for us.
grave, serious, dangerous, uncertain, perilous, severe, touch-and-go, ticklish, sensitive, touchy, parlous
His illness has reached the critical stage.
carping, fault-finding, censorious, disparaging, depreciatory or depreciative, depreciating, deprecatory or deprecative, deprecating, judgemental
The article was highly critical of the council.
Search Google for Critical:
Business / Agriculture / Critical Habitat: Under the Endangered Species Act, critical habitat is an area essential to the conservation of a listed species, though the area need not actually be occupied by the species at the time it is designat MORE
Science / Chemistry / Critical Molar Volume (Vc): The molar volume at the critical point. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Critical Temperature (Tc): The temperature at the critical point. A gas above the critical temperature will never condense into a liquid, no matter how much pressure is applied. Most substances have a critical temperature that MORE
Business / Agriculture / Critical Control Point: An operation (practice, procedure, process, or location) at or by which preventive or control measures can be exercised that will eliminate, prevent, or minimize one or more hazards. Critical control MORE
Science / Chemistry / Critical Point: State at which two phases of a substance first become indistinguishable. For example, at pressures higher than 217.6 atm andtemperatures above 374?°C, the meniscus between steam and liquid water will MORE
Business / Agriculture / Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point (HACCP): A production quality control system now being adopted throughout much of the food industry as a method for minimizing the entry of food borne pathogens into the food supply in order to protect human h MORE