Entertainment / Bowling / Powerhouse: A ball thrown very fast and with a lot of action, resulting in an unmistakable strike.
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Health / Fitness / Abs: Abbreviation for abdominal muscles. A set of eight small muscles located below the chest. These eight muscles help people to bend forward and twist side to side. This set of muscles also assist in reg MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / AltaVista: Search engine bought out by Overture prior to Overture being bought by Yahoo. AltaVista was an early powerhouse in search, but on October 25, 1999 they did a major algorithmic update which caused them MORE
Lifestyle / College / Chair: The person who acts as the administrative head of a department or unit at a university (e.g., the Chair of the English Department). MORE
Health / Pilates / Hundred: This is found for several exercises, the first of which is the Mat, and is used for warming up and working the Powerhouse and increasing circulation. MORE
Health / Pilates / Pilates Performer: The apparatus is the home version of the Universal Performer. It provides a wide range of exercises, from simple to intermediate, in order to develop the Powerhouse. It contains straps, springs, and a MORE