Health / Fitness / Abs: Abbreviation for abdominal muscles. A set of eight small muscles located below the chest. These eight muscles help people to bend forward and twist side to side. This set of muscles also assist in regular breathing as well as help support the muscles of the spine.
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Science / Biology / Absorption: The process by which the products of digestion are transferred into the bodys internal environment, enabling them to reach the cells. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Absorbance: (A, D, E) optical density; extinction; decadic absorbance. A measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample. The absorbance (A) equals minus the base-10 log of the transmittance. MORE
Business / Finance / Absorbed: Used in context of general equities. Securities are 'absorbed' as long as there are corresponding orders to buy and sell. The market has reached the absorption point when further assimilation is impos MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Absinthe: Absinthe reached its peak of popularity and notoriety around the end of the nineteenth century and is now illegal not only in the United States but in Switzerland, the place of its origin. Absinthe is MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Abstract Diction - Abstract Imagery: Language that describes qualities that cannot be perceived with the five senses. For instance, calling something pleasant or pleasing is abstract, while calling something yellow or sour is concrete. T MORE
Science / Chemistry / Absorptivity: (a) extinction coefficient; absorption cross section; decadic absorptivity. Compare with molar absorptivity and absorbance. The absorbance of a solution per unit of path length and per unit concentrat MORE