
Lifestyle / Painting / Mat: The surrounding area between the frame and the picture.
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Standard Match Type

Business / Internet Marketing / Standard Match Type: An option within Sponsored Search that specifies how search terms are matched to ads. Ads that use the standard match type are displayed for exact matches to your keywords, as well as for singular or MORE

Advanced Match Type

Business / Internet Marketing / Advanced Match Type: An option within Yahoo Sponsored Search that specifies how search terms are matched to ads. Ads that use the advanced match type are displayed for a broader range of searches relevant to your keywords MORE

Keyword Matching

Business / Internet Marketing / Keyword Matching: In Google Ad Words, there are four different keyword matching options, each specifying a different way for a keyword to interact with search queries. With some options, you'll enjoy more ad impression MORE

Graphical Interchange Format (GIF)

Technology / Computers / Graphical Interchange Format (GIF): Pronounced 'jif.' It is an image format created by Compuserve. MORE

Armature Reaction

Technology / Motors / Armature Reaction: The current that flows in the armature winding of a DC motor tends to produce magnetic flux in addition to that produced by the field current. This effect, which reduces the torque capacity, is called MORE

Animated Gif (Gif89a)

Business / Internet Marketing / Animated Gif (Gif89a): A GIF animation tool that creates sequences of images to simulate animation and allows for transparent Background colors. Animated GIF's can generate higher response rates than static banners. MORE