Price Noun Synonyms: charge, cost, expense, expenditure, outlay, payment, amount, figure, fee, quotation, appraisal, value, valuation, evaluation, worth
Price Verb Synonyms: sacrifice, toll, penalty, cost, consequence
Put Adjective Synonyms: place, position, situate, set, lay, station, stand, deposit, rest, settle, locate
Put Verb Synonyms: assign, commit, cause, set, consign, subject
Business / Agriculture / Prices Received Index: An index that measures changes in the prices received for crops and livestock. NASS currently publishes the index on a 1990-92=100 base. A ratio of the prices received index to the prices paid index o MORE
Business / Finance / Price-Specie Flow Mechanism: Adjustment mechanism under the classic gold standard allowing disturbances in the price level in one country to be wholly or partly offset by a countervailing flow of specie (gold coins) that would ac MORE
Business / Finance / Price-Sales Ratio: Determined by dividing current stock price by revenue per share (adjusted for stock splits). Revenue per share for the P/S ratio is determined by dividing revenue for past 12 months by number of share MORE
Business / Taxes / Price-To-Book Ratio: Some financial analysts use price-to-book ratios to identify stocks they consider to be overvalued or undervalued. You figure this ratio by dividing a stock's market price per share by its book value MORE
Business / Taxes / Price-To-Cash Flow: You find a company's price-to-cash flow ratio by dividing the market price of its stock by its cash receipts minus its cash payments over a given period of time, such as a year. Some institutional inv MORE
Business / Taxes / Price-To-Sales Ratio: A price-to-sales ratio, or a stock's market price per share divided by the revenue generated by sales of the company's products and services per share, may sometimes identify companies that are underv MORE