Business / Finance / Price-Specie Flow Mechanism: Adjustment mechanism under the classic gold standard allowing disturbances in the price level in one country to be wholly or partly offset by a countervailing flow of specie (gold coins) that would act to equalize prices across countries and automatically bring international payments into balance.
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Flow Adjective Synonyms: stream, pour, run, rush, course, surge, move, go, proceed, progress, drift, gush, glide, purl, roll, ripple, trickle, gurgle, bubble, swirl, whirl, circulate
Flow Verb Synonyms: rush, gush, surge, well (forth), stream, spring, issue, spout, spurt, squirt, spew, flood, cascade, fall, rain, brim, overflow, spill, teem
Mechanism Adjective Synonyms: device, appliance, contrivance, apparatus, instrument, machine
Mechanism Noun Synonyms: way, means, method, procedure, approach, technique, medium, process, agency
Technology / Aviation / Laminar-Flow Airfoil: A low-drag airfoil designed to maintain laminar (smooth, continuous) flow over a high percentage of the CHORD about itself. Often relatively thin, especially along the leading edge, with most of its b MORE
Health / Herbs / Linden Flowers (Tilia europaea): A nervine, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, hypotensive, diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent. Linden is well known as a relaxing remedy and in the treatment of raised blood pressure assoc MORE
Science / Geology / Laminar Flow: A state of uniform flow within a fluid in which the moving particles travel along parallel paths (compare with Turbulent Flow). MORE
Business / Agriculture / Irrigation Return Flow: Part of artificially applied water that is not consumed by plants or evaporation, and that eventually 'returns' to an aquifer or surface water body, such as a lake or stream. Commonly used when discus MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Inertial Flow: A solution of the relative hydrodynamic equations of motion in which only the horizontal component of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces are balanced. This anticyclonic flow results from a sudden app MORE
Business / Agriculture / Low-Flow Irrigation Systems: These systems (drip, trickle, and micro sprinklers) provide water in small volumes and generally provide water to plants with less waste than furrow irrigation. Drip and trickle systems apply water th MORE