Business / Finance / Price-Sales Ratio: Determined by dividing current stock price by revenue per share (adjusted for stock splits). Revenue per share for the P/S ratio is determined by dividing revenue for past 12 months by number of shares outstanding.
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Ratio Adverb Synonyms: proportion, relationship, correlation, correspondence
Entertainment / Music / Orchestration: Arranging a piece of music for an orchestra. Also, the study of music. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD): An international organization established by the United States, Canada and certain Western European countries in 1960. The OECD studies and discusses trade and related matters. Its current 29 members MORE
Business / Finance / Options Clearing Corporation (OCC): Applies to derivative products. Financial institution that is the actual issuer and guarantor of all listed option contracts. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Operations Director: Individual who typically oversees claims, management information services, enrollment, underwriting, member services, and office management. MORE
Business / Finance / Operationally Efficient Market: Market in which investors can obtain transactions services that reflect the true costs associated with furnishing those services. Also called an internally efficient market. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Osseointegration: Implies that a contact is established without interposition of non-bone tissue between normal remodeled bone and an implant entailing a sustained transfer and distribution of load from the implant to MORE