Accounting Glossary

Effective Tax Rate , Capital Expenditure , Return On Investment (ROI) , LIFO (Last-In First-Out) , Prime Book Of Entry , Book Value Per Share , Tangible Personal Business Property , Historical Cost , Double-Entry Accounting , Fair Credit And Charge Card Disclosure Act (1989) MORE

Agriculture Glossary

Land Trust , Nutrition Program For The Elderly (NPE) , Grassed Waterway , Levy , Consolidation , Soil Moisture Zone , Program Crops , NEPA Analysis , International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) , Conjunctive Use MORE

Construction Glossary

Service Entrance Panel , Plumbing Trim , Dedicated Circuit , Construction Drywall , Radon , Stop Order , Threshold , Ceiling Joist , Level Payment Mortgage , Attic Ventilators MORE

Debt Glossary

Negotiable , Income Tax , Postal Account , Trustee , Equity , Lease , Privatization , Real Asset , Lump Sum , Surplus Income MORE

Finance Glossary

Adequacy Of Coverage , Eighth[-Ed] , Active Portfolio Strategy , Expected Dividend Yield , Restrictive Covenants , P and L , Trade Draft , Leverage , Open-End Credit , Highjacking MORE

Human Resources (HR) Glossary

Dual Career Ladders-Tracks , Promotion , Quality Assurance , Turkey Trot , Active Learning , Expatriate , Merger , Equal Opportunity Survey , Geographical Differential , Reasonable Person Standard MORE

Internet Marketing Glossary

Ppc Management , Modem Speeds , Marketing Plan , Cache , Cost Per Action (CPA) , Hybrid Model , Domain Name , Portal , Frames , Ip Address MORE

Loan Glossary

Annual Fee , Installment Sale , Promissory Note , Equifax , Prepayment Penalty , Revolving Credit , Fully Amortizing , Finance Companies , Due Diligence , Equity MORE

Machine Shop Glossary

Jig , Lap , Plain Cutter , Peen , Rake , Solid Square , Thermal Expansion , Hot-Rolled Steel , Drill Bushing , Nitrogen MORE

Real Estate Glossary

Aesthetic Zoning , Threshold Notification , Substitution , Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act , Special Agent , Grant Deed , Employment Contract , Eminent Domain , Graduated Commission Splits , Common Law MORE

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Glossary

Google Trends , Duplicate Content , GoogleBot , Keyword Density , Robot , Wordnet , Breadcrumb Navigation , Yahoo! Site Explorer , Error 404 , Keyword Stuffing MORE

Taxes Glossary

Immediate Annuity , Nikkei Stock Average , Periodic Interest Rate , Technical Analysis , Federal Housing Administration (FHA) , Comptroller Of The Currency , Participating Policy , Level Term Insurance , Cornering The Market , Agent MORE