Money Market Demand Account (MMDA)

Business / Finance / Money Market Demand Account (MMDA): An account that pays interest based on short-term interest rates.
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Other Words for Account

Account Noun Synonyms: calculation, accounting, reckoning, computation, (financial) statement, enumeration

Other Words for Demand

Demand Verb Synonyms: claim, ask (for), require, insist on, exact
Demand Noun Synonyms: require, order, bid, call (for), insist, command

Other Words for Market

Market Noun Synonyms: demand, customer base, call
Market Adjective Synonyms: shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
Market Verb Synonyms: market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange

Other Words for Money

Money Noun Synonyms: currency, legal tender, medium of exchange, specie, (hard) cash, ready money, banknotes, paper money, notes, bills, coin(s), change, small change, (filthy) lucre, pelf, shekels, lolly, readies, folding money, cold (hard)
Money Adjective Synonyms: resources, wealth, fortune, funds, capital, wherewithal, affluence, means, (liquid) assets, riches, bundle

Medical Savings Account (MSA)

Health / Health Insurance / Medical Savings Account (MSA): A trust that employees of small businesses may establish to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses. MORE

Medical Savings Accounts (MSA)

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Matador Market

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Marketplace Price Efficiency

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Marketing Quotas (Or Allotments)

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Marketing Year

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