Other Words for Market

Market Adjective Synonyms
shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
If you are going to the market, please buy some milk.

Market Noun Synonyms
sell, merchandise, retail, vend, peddle, hawk, make available, furnish, trade (in), buy and sell, deal in
We market these computers worldwide.

demand, customer base, call
The market for computers is still growing rapidly.

Market Verb Synonyms
market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange
There are some excellent buys on the market.

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More Words for Market

Exchange / Store / Call / Demand

Perfect Market View (Of Capital Structure)

Business / Finance / Perfect Market View (Of Capital Structure): Analysis of a firm's capital structure decision, which shows the irrelevance of capital structure in a perfect capital market. MORE

Marketing Year

Business / Agriculture / Marketing Year: The 12-month period, generally from the beginning of a new harvest, over which a crop is marketed. For example, for wool, mohair, and Hawaiian sugarcane, the marketing year is January 1-December 31: f MORE

ASX Derivatives And Options Market (ASXD)

Business / Finance / ASX Derivatives And Options Market (ASXD): Options market trading options on more than 50 of Australia's and New Zealand's leading companies. MORE

Market Adjustment-Trading Securities Account

Business / Accounting / Market Adjustment-Trading Securities Account: An account used to track the difference between the historical cost and the market value of a company's portfolio of trading securities. MORE

Market Capitalization

Business / Finance / Market Capitalization: Total market value in millions of dollars (or local currency) is calculated as market price times public common shares outstanding. MORE

Market Out Clause

Business / Finance / Market Out Clause: A clause that may appear in an underwriting firm commitment that releases it from its purchase requirement if there are negative securities market developments. MORE