Health / Health Insurance / Medical Savings Account (MSA): A trust that employees of small businesses may establish to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses.
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Account Noun Synonyms: calculation, accounting, reckoning, computation, (financial) statement, enumeration
Savings Adjective Synonyms: resources, reserve, cache, hoard, nest egg
Technology / Cell Phones / Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): One of 306 geographic regions, primarily urban areas, in the United States that are used as license areas in the cellular frequency band. Originally, two wireless operators were licensed in each MSA. MORE
Business / Accounting / Memorandum Accounts: A name for the accounts held in a subsidiary ledger. Eg. the accounts in a sales ledger . MORE
Business / Finance / Mixed Account: A brokerage account holding both long and short positioned securities. MORE
Business / Accounting / Money Market Account: A type of savings account that may or may not be protected by the FDIC, with minimum balance requirements and usually higher interest rates than other types of savings accounts. MORE
Business / Finance / Money Market Demand Account (MMDA): An account that pays interest based on short-term interest rates. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Medically Needy Individuals: Enrollees in Medicaid programs whose income or assets exceed the maximum threshold for certain federal programs. MORE