Medical Savings Accounts (MSA)

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Medical Savings Accounts (MSA): Savings accounts designated for out-of-pocket medical expenses. In an MSA, employers and individuals are allowed to contribute to a savings account on a pre-tax basis and carry over the unused funds at the end of the year. One major difference between a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and a Medical Savings Account is the ability under an MSA to carry over the unused funds for use in a future year, instead of losing unused funds at the end of the year. Most MSAs allow unused balances and earnings to accumulate. Unlike FSAs, most MSAs are combined with a high-deductible or catastrophic health insurance plan.
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Other Words for Savings

Savings Adjective Synonyms: resources, reserve, cache, hoard, nest egg

National Accounts

Health / Health Insurance / National Accounts: Large group accounts that have employees in more than one geographic area that are covered through a single national contract for health coverage. Contrast with large local groups. MORE

Mutual Savings Bank

Business / Finance / Mutual Savings Bank: A state-chartered savings bank that is owned by its depositors and managed by a fiduciary board of trustees. MORE

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

Technology / Cell Phones / Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): One of 306 geographic regions, primarily urban areas, in the United States that are used as license areas in the cellular frequency band. Originally, two wireless operators were licensed in each MSA. MORE