Business / Finance / International Fisher Effect: States that the interest rate differential between two countries should be an unbiased predictor of the future change in the spot rate.
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Effect Noun Synonyms: effectiveness, efficacy, force, power, capacity, potency, influence, impression, impact, clout, punch
Effect Adjective Synonyms: result, consequence, outcome, conclusion, upshot, aftermath, impact
International Adjective Synonyms: supranational, global, worldwide, universal, intercontinental, cosmopolitan, ecumenic(al) or oecumenic(al), foreign
Technology / Motorcycle / International Six Day Enduro (ISDE): The oldest ?€?off road?€? motorcycle event on the FIM Calendar. (Originally titled the ?€?International Six Day Trial,?€? or ISDE, since 1980 it has been called the ?€?ISD Enduro.?€?) Firs MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / International Six Day Trial (ISDT): Originally titled the International Six Day Trial, since 1980 it has been called the ?€?ISD Enduro.?€? The (ISDE) is the oldest ?€?off road?€? motorcycle event on the FIM Calendar. (See ISDE). MORE
Technology / Computers / International Standards Organization (ISO): Someone has to say what is the standard for transferring data. These people are it. You'll find them in Paris. MORE
Business / Finance / International Stock Exchange Of The U.K. And The Republic Of Ireland (ISE): Organization that replaced the London stock exchange after its merger with the International Securities Regulatory Organization (ISRO). MORE
Business / Finance / International Security Market Association (ISMA): Swiss law association located in Zurich that regroups all the participants on the Eurobond primary and secondary markets. Establishes uniform trading procedures in the international bond markets. MORE
Business / Finance / International Petroleum Exchange (IPE): Energy futures and options exchange based in London. MORE