Business / Finance / International Security Market Association (ISMA): Swiss law association located in Zurich that regroups all the participants on the Eurobond primary and secondary markets. Establishes uniform trading procedures in the international bond markets.
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Association Noun Synonyms: society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group, syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative
International Adjective Synonyms: supranational, global, worldwide, universal, intercontinental, cosmopolitan, ecumenic(al) or oecumenic(al), foreign
Market Noun Synonyms: demand, customer base, call
Market Adjective Synonyms: shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
Market Verb Synonyms: market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange
Security Verb Synonyms: safety, shelter, protection, fastness, refuge, safe keeping, sanctuary, asylum
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Contract: Prices (or pricing mechanisms) are established for a commodity before harvest or before the commodity is ready for marketing. Most management decisions remain with the grower, who retains ownership of MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Marketing Director: Individual responsible for marketing a managed care plan, whose duties include oversight of marketing representatives, advertising, client relations, and enrollment forecasting. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Certificate: A certificate that may be redeemed for a specified amount of CCC-owned commodities. The certificates may be generic or for a specific commodity. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Assistance Loans: Nonrecourse loans made available to producers of wheat, feed grains, upland and ELS cotton, rice, soybeans, and minor oilseeds under the Agricultural Market Transition Act provisions in the FAIR Act o MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Marketing: The promotional activities that bring buyers and sellers together. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Assessments: Producers and first purchasers of some supported commodities are required to pay an assessment as a contribution toward achieving budget deficit reduction targets. Under the FAIR Act of 1996, assessme MORE