Business / Construction / Railroad Tie: Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6' X 8' and 6'-8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall.
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Tie Adjective Synonyms: bind, fasten, make fast, tie up, lash, secure, truss, attach, tether, rope, chain, moor, connect, join, knot, link, couple, splice, unite
Tie Verb Synonyms: equal, even, be equal or even (with), match, be neck and neck (with)
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Science / Astrology / Qualities: The Signs are classified by their Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. Also referred to as modalities or quadruplicities. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Railroad: A wide split on which both pins are on the same line; e.g., the 7-10, 8-10, 7-9, or 4-6. MORE
Business / Construction / Railroad Tie: Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6' X 8' and 6'-8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall. MORE
Business / Finance / Project Loan Securities: Securities backed by a variety of FHA-insured loans-primarily multifamily apartment buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes. MORE
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